ABSTRACT gladisdas015, May 4, 2024 ABSTRACTTITLE: Assess the quality of life among elderly residing at old age home with a view to develop an information booklet at the rural area of Dhamtari Balod(C.G.).” Psychotherapy is a means of minimizing mental health problems such as depression and of enhancing adherence to live in this world qualitatively and quantitatively. Quality of life and social functioning, is important among elderly. All activities are also designed by nurse to keep their mind active all the time, which helps to restore normal function. OBJECTIVES :- 1) To assess the socio-demographic variables of emotional problems of elderly persons residing in old age home Dhamtari balod, district (C.G.).To assess the emotional problems of elderly persons residing in old age home Dhamtari balod, district (C.G.).To assess the effectiveness of information booklet regarding the facilities provided by government to elderly persons residing in old age home Dhamtari balod, district (C.G.).To find association between emotional problems of elderly persons residing in old age home with selected socio-demographic variable.METHODOLOGY:- Research approach: Quantitative approach. Study setting: Elderly residing at selected old age home at Dhamtari Study population: Elderly both male and female.. Sample size: 60 samples Design: Pre experimental one group pre test one group pre test and post Test design Sampling technique: Random sampling technique. Tool:WHO- Quality of LifeScale (BREF)DATA COLLECTION PROCEDURE 1) Data were collected from selected samples in Old age home at Dhamtari. There are 60 samples collected and divided in to two groups. In pre test the level of QOL was assessed by QOL-WHO-(BERF) scale. Each group should to select in each week and gave the activity intervention such as reviewing past incidences and their events to identify socio demographic variables of elderly in selected old age home.2) To assess the pretest level of quality of life among elderly in selected old age home.3) To determine the effectiveness of information booklet on improving quality of life among elderly in selected old age home.4) To find association between the post test level of quality of life among elderly with selected socio demographic variables After the intervention the post test was conducted. DATA ANALYSIS Demographic variables were analyzed with descriptive (mean, median and standard deviation) and clinical variables were inferential statistics (Chi square and paired‘t’ test).RESULTS In this study In this study effectiveness was measured by increase in Quality of Life – QOL score as raise in the mean increase was 14.6 with mean deviation of ± 15.71 and the Standard Deviation difference was 9.0 with standard deviation of ± 10.71 the difference is high .DISCUSSION:- To improving quality of life of elderly. The facilities which was provided by the government is effective to improve the quality of life of elderly residents of old age home. So that the hypotheses of this study is proved.CONCLUSION This study concluded that nurse’s role in managing and improving the quality of life of elderly is mandatory. Reminiscence would neither decrease depression nor increase self-confidence among the elderly, but would increase the sense of recovery, pleasure, well-being, intimacy, self-assurance, and assurance in relation to others. In this study effectiveness was measured by increase in Quality of Life QOL score as raise in the mean increase was 14.6 with mean deviation of ± 15.71 and the Standard Deviation difference was 9.0 with standard deviation of ± 10.71 the difference is high. NEED FOR STUDY – One’s personal life and certain traumatic experiences from the past are reviewed and healing is achieved through changes in one’s perception of the past. In fact, reminiscence affects the recall of past memories and experiences and, thus, has a positive effect on emotions of people. Increasing life expectancy, reducing the symptoms of depression, increasing life satisfaction, and improving self-care, and assisting people to deal with crises and losses are some of the positive effects of reminiscence therapy among the elderly. GNM NURSING abstractGNM NURSING
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